Artist's Statement 


Picasso once said that “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” This statement has always felt most representative of my own belief – that art creates a sort of substance so critical yet impossible to explain that it can only be expressed by art itself. It has the power to transform and evolve; as it certainly has transformed and inspired me through many stages of my life. My aim is to share that with you.

About Artist 


Sierra was raised in California, spent a decade in Florida, and now lives in Seattle. She graduated from the fine arts program at The Evergreen State College with a B.A. in liberal arts. She has since earned a Master’s in Education and completion of an MBA is in the near future. Her mural work adorns private and public spaces in Florida. Recent work is available at the Mt. Baker Gallery in Seattle. She is a member of Art Target, The Community Arts Center, and ArtSpace.